virtual mix tape? yes!

as soon as i read about a weekly virtual mix tape on my skewed view, i knew i had to participate.  i have always been a prodigious maker of mix tapes, and in fact, it is something i really miss in this new era of streaming music. in fact, if anyone reading my blog ever wants to exchange mix tapes (i guess these would be at least mix cd’s, if not something even more high-tech) let me know!

this week’s theme is epic songs, or songs that tell a story.  i thought a lot about whether or not the stories themselves need to be epic.  a lot of really powerful songs tell stories that are epic to the composer, but not necessarily science fiction movie epic.

i wasn’t sure exactly what criteria to use when picking the five songs, so i chose a couple of songs that give me chills when i listen to them, a song that makes me ponder what the story really is, a song or two that make me smile, and one that just makes me go hmmmm.

this first song always gives me the chills when i hear it, and it gives me an opportunity to thank soldiers and their families everywhere for the sacrifices they make for their respective countries.  i did not grow up in a military family, but i think the themes of love and loss transcend particular experiences.  this is love vigilantes, by new order.

this has always been one of my favorite songs by terri hendrix.  i will never forget hearing it for the first time and trying to disguise my sniffling with beer swilling.

i am not exactly sure what is going on in this story, but i get a definite sense that it isn’t good.  john hiatt has me feeling all kinds of emotions when i listen to this song.

anyone who listens to lyle lovett knows that he is an amazing storyteller.  the hard part is picking just one.  this one has always been one of my favorites.

this is a song i remember fondly from my high school days.  who would have thought you could write such a bouncy song about jim jones…

ok, there it is, my first mix post!! if you want to join the blog hop, i think i can insert the linky here…

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About phrogmom

kind of eccentric artsy type raising two boys in texas.
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13 Responses to virtual mix tape? yes!

  1. All great storytellers here. The fact that they’ve made you feel something means they are just that!

  2. Dream says:

    Most of your list was all music I hadn’t heard before, which is awesome!

  3. Quickstepp says:

    I’ve replaced mixtape making with playlist making. Spotify makes it pretty easy to do and share. Tons of fun.

  4. We both did Love Vigilantes, which basically makes us related. =)

  5. Jen says:

    Welcome! I am so glad you came to play with us! It is fun, and we love to hear each others music. Meanwhile, I know you didn’t read every post of mine but I love Lyle, yes so much I would marry him, just don’t tell my husband. Eh, you can tell him.
    This is a great list though! Tragedy is not my thing so much but Love Vigilantes never was that for me because it was so far from my reality. And really. Love Guyana! I wish I knew about it when I wrote a post eons back about “drinking the kool-aid” Please come back again, we would love to have you!

  6. hey! we both got the same Lyle, very cool. (I think we are the only two, but are the envy of many)

  7. Pingback: Twisted Tuesday’s Mix Tape: Addicted to You | Cheri Speak

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